注册时间: 2008/12/07 11:16:20
文章: 25
来源: 网络社区
一.准备的材料 check list
For Applicants (申请人须递交)
1 Original passport (有效的护照)
2 4 photos per person (4张照片, 背面用拼音写的名字及生日, 日/月/年)
3 Application fee (申请受理费)
4 Two IMM5257 form (2张 IMM 5257申请表)
5 “Family Composition/Education and Employment” form (每人1张家属表/教育和就业细节表)
6 List of Inviter’s family members (邀请人家庭的所有成员名单)
7 Certificates of the relationship between applicants and inviters: inviters’ birth certificate and marriage certificate (证明申请人与邀请人关系的公证书: 邀请人的结婚证明和出生证明)
8 Employer leave granting letter (Not applicable as both applicants are retired. )(一份由申请人雇主出据的准假信, 若申请人都退休则不用提供)
9 Two bank statements of savings and two monthly bank statements showing monthly pensions (2份反映存款状况的银行证明和2份反映退休金的银行往来纪录)
Applicants’ Supplementary information (申请人辅助材料)
10 House asset certificate, original and translation (房产证明,原件和翻译件)
For inviters (邀请人及其配偶须递交)
11 Invitation letter (邀请函)
12 Copy of permanent resident cards (枫叶卡双面复印件)
13 Inviter’s employment letter (说明收入情况、职务以及受雇时间的工作证明)
14 Two Notice of assessment and T4 forms (税收状况证明和T4)
15 Inviter’s payrolls in 6 months (近6个月来的工资单)
16 Inviter’s monthly bank statements in 6 months(反映近6个月来日常收支状况的银行证明)
17 Inviter’s bank statement of savings (存款银行证明)
4. 父母俩人合填1份IMM 5257申请表,同样的申请表一式两份。IMM 5257申请表中第5条 “funds in Canada”,我们填CDN12,000 (2个人的费用)。
7. 我们用的是公证过的英文结婚证明和我太太的出生证明。
9. 每人10万存款,中国银行可以开中英文的存款证明。
10. 翻译件是自己翻译的。另外,使馆工作人员明确说,不需要申请人的社会保障卡和退休证。
17. 存款银行证明是在CIBC办的,免费。
二. 过程
三. Invitation letter
Canadian Consulate General
Suite 668, 1376 Nanjing Lu
200040, Shanghai, China
Dear Sir/Madam,
My husband, **, and I, **, Permanent Residents of Canada, would like to invite my parents, father ** and mother **, residing at Shanghai, to visit us in Canada from * to *.
The purpose of the visit is social as well as tourism. We will be responsible for all their expenses in Canada.
We will make sure that my parents will leave Canada before the expiration of their authorized stay. * followed by reasons *
Your favorable consideration regarding their visa applications will be highly appreciated. Please kindly contact us at ** if you have any questions.
Best regards
**, **